The Burrows (2019)

The Burrows is a large dungeon I built for Fallout 76’s first update, Wild Appalachia. The design goal was to crate a large space for players to explore multiple times. I was the sole designer and owned the content from concept to ship. My duties included:

  • Level Design - I built the layout using an iterative process from paper, to blockout, to iterations, and set dressing. I wanted to nail the look of old storm drain tunnels and made use of spatial contrast to keep the geometry interesting.

  • Content Design - I set up combat encounters making use of layered ambushes to create a sense of a large amount of ghouls crawling out from the muck. I also scripted sequences like the extendable bridge, valve doors, and the sirens for the assaultron room.

  • Narrative Design - I wrote and implemented ‘Waste Management’ -a short side quest where the players follow an investigation of military robots in the sewers - to accompany the dungeon. I also created terminals and holotapes that tell the story of how a cruel gang leader led to the Burrow’s downfall.

I edited a short reel if you want to see the level in motion.

 Widgeon TV'‘s video, ‘Smells Bad Down Here’, showcases the location, ‘Waste Management’, and the narrative for those who want to further check it out without playing it.