Murder on Eridanos (2021)

I was an area designer on Murder on Eridanos from the vertical slice through the end of development. The second expansion aimed to lean into the absurd humor in a whacky, murder-mystery. It was a small team so I had the opportunity to contribute to a big swath of content. I was the design owner of the Grand Colonial Hotel Exterior, Piraeus Spaceport, and Rizzo’s RR&DD Lab, collaborating with art and narrative developers to create the content in those maps. Common tasks included:

  • Level Design - I created level layouts, starting with a top-down in Photoshop, and built them in engine using modular kits from the base game or working with new kits developed for the project. Each space has a strong central theme I pushed, like a skyscraper that can be identified from anywhere on the island, or a classic western town square in the spaceport, that make them feel distinctive.

  • Quest Design - The expansion’s main quest follows an investigation that takes place across the island. I collaborated with the main quest owners to implement the objectives and gameplay needed when players arrive on the island and in the lab. There were also side-quests where players investigate suspects that I worked with narrative designers to have fun with characters. The good cop/bad cop interrogation with Black Hole Bertie and companions (designed and written by Kelsey Beachum) was very fun to support. Lastly, I owned the side-quests Strange Disappearance of a Watchman, The Two Rogues, and The Pool Where Horror Dwelt that supported the world building and whacky tones.

  • Gameplay Scripting - Murder on Eridanos has a heavy emphasis on characters and setting, so I scripted events and ambient barks that add a lot of reactivity to the characters. The customs attendant greets players when they land and ask if they’ve been enjoying their stay if they walk by. The spaceport receptionist chides players that walk past her without greeting. Hired muscle attempt to hold up the player but can be intimidated into running away into a spaceport alley. The small extra details all contribute to make Eridanos an extremely atmospheric setting, something noted in reviews and feedback.